For the fifth consecutive year, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science comes back in Cagliari. The initiative is celebrated on 11 of February in many cities of the world and it is promoted by the United Nations Assembly to promote gender equality in society and science.
In Cagliari, the event is organized by the Physics Department of the University of Cagliari and the Cagliari Section of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN), in collaboration with the Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari, the National Institute of Astrophysics ( INAF), the Institute Officine Materiali (IOM) of the CNR and the association Laboratorio Scienza. The Cagliari section of the National Institute of Nuclear Physics participates with its (female) researchers with two different laboratories in particle physics.
In this edition, the masterclass will be held online only, with the participation of both males and females students. However, the majority of the participants will be girls, being the 60% of the available places reserved to them.
Another novelty of 2021 masterclass is that the event will take place from January, 25th to February, 11th with three different appointments: January, 25th – February, 1st students will meet researchers and discover what they will do during the masterclass. February, 1st – February, 4th: the masterclass starts and students will face up with sincronous and asincronous activities with researchers. February, 11th, the final online event will take place, with special scientific guests and students sharing their experiences during the masterclass.
More information and the complete program of the event are available at the following link (italian only).
You can watch what happened in the 2020 edition by clicking here.
You can watch what happened in the 2019 edition by clicking here.