“DARK” is a science communication project about dark matter.
The initiative is promoted by Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare along the research lines of the third commission (CC3M) and it is coordinated at national level by Walter Bonivento, researcher of INFN – Cagliari.
The activities are spread all around Italy and locally coordinated by the INFN sections involved in the project.
At the present moment, the partners of the project are: the National Laboratories of Gran Sasso, Pisa, Cagliari, Rome and Salerno INFN sections with experimental and theoretical researchers coming from the Dark Side collaboration.
The Bologna section of INFN participate with researchers involved in DarkSide, Xenon, AMS, KM3, Euclid experiments and theoreticians coming from ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN. Finally, Naples partecipate with researchers coming from the Dark Side experiment and NEWS.
Among the initiatives inserted in the DARK program there is the Dark Side MasterClass organized by Centro Fermi and that will be held simultaneously on the same day throughout Italy. In 2020, the masterclass is scheduled on October, 30th, at 15:30 (Italian time). The event will take place on an online platform to follow the government prescriptions about Covid-19 pandemic diffusion.
The masterclass is part of the activities planned within the Dark Matter Day program, the important appointment for Dark Matter dissemination, which will take place all around the world, on October, 31st.