Local rappresentative

National committee member

Alongside its research activities, the Cagliari unit has been carrying out many outreach and dissemination activities (Third Mission) for years, with the aim of transferring the knowledge acquired to society and involving it in scientific research. Seven people make up the Third Mission Coordination Committee, with three ex-officio members. Since the dissemination of INFN and its Third Mission activities is carried out at a national level, each INFN site has also appointed a person responsible for the Third Mission.
The Cagliari unit is involved in the following national INFN projects:
- Art&Science Across Italy (local coordinator: Giuseppe Bozzi)
- Premio Asimov (local coordinator: Marcello Lissia)
- OCRA – Outreach Cosmic Rays Activities (local coordinator: Corrado Cicalò)
- Lab2Go (local coordinator: Marcello Lissia)
- RadioLab e ISOradioLAB (local coordinator: Viviana Fanti)
- International Masterclasses (local coordinator: Francesca Dordei)
- Dark (local coordinator: Walter Marcello Bonivento)
- INFN Kids (local coordinator: Matteo Tuveri)
- AggiornaMenti (local coordinator: Viviana Fanti)
Moreover, we are involved in the following projects: