The “IDeAS Summer School” is a physics school for high-school students in Sardinia.
It is organized by the cultural association “IDeAS” (Incontri di Divulgazione e Astrofisica in Sardegna) in collaboration with the Cagliari section of INFN and the Physics Department of University of Cagliari (PLS project).
The school is devoted to young high-school students (fourth and fifth high school classes) and is held in the third week of September at the Physics Department of Cagliari.
During the school the students have the possibility to face on with very recent research topics in physics, from particle physics to general relativity, cosmology and astrophysics.
Young researchers coming from many parts of the Europe (Cagliari University, SISSA, Bologna University and CERN of Geneva) will guide the students in the world both of theoretical and experimental physics in a very informal way, giving them the possibility to become “scientists for a day”.
Lectures, experiments in labs and free discussions are the ingredients of the “IDeAS Summer School”.
For information about the 2019 edition, you can go to the Summer School webpage: http://summerschoolideas.altervista.org/
Here (in italian only) the link to the 2018 edition of the School.